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Reversed Angles

I'll be standing in for Leon, as he seems to have a phobia of sin-1, cos-1 and tan-1. These functions are used for finding the angle in a triangle. Which can be terribly useful when you have to get an AI opponent to point a gun at your head. Although we won't be covering any Flash usage in this tutorial, most people will find it useful as a reference point. We shall start with an example.

Image demonstrating similarity between triangle and turret motion

As you can see, the classic player and turret combination can be broken down into a triangle. One thing to note though, where I put player._x/y - turret_x/y may turn out to be negative, you should make it positive. The thing we actually want to find out though is angle x - that is to say the angle the turret needs to turn to if it wants to shoot the player.

Angle X can be found out fairly easily. Remember from the last tutorial where Leon said "tan A [in this case angle x] = O/A "? Well in this case the opposite is player._y - turret._y (eg. 5) and the adjacent is player._x - turret_x (eg 10).

So, in our case tan x = 5/ 10 (Don't get it? Reread the last paragraph/tutorial). The key thing we are going to learn today is inverse trigonometry. That is finding the angle (what we wanted all along). Luckily, Maths provides us a nifty way of doing this: x = tan-1(5/10). That is equal to tan-1(0.5). A quick turn on and dust down of the old calculator should tell us that angle x is.... actually, work it out for yourself. There you go, all done. Apart from the fact that Flash has a rather odd way of negating angles. Leon will cover that in a future tutorial.

Thanks for reading this,

Harry (26.565051177077989351572193720453 )